Step 3: It may take some time to load the Bluestacks app initially.After successful installation, open Bluestacks emulator. Step 2: Installation procedure is quite simple and straight-forward.Step 1: Download the Bluestacks software from the below link, if you haven’t installed it earlier – Download Bluestacks for PC.Let’s start our step by step installation guide. We are going to use Bluestacks in this method to Download and Install Postman for PC Windows 10/8/7 Laptop. Bluestacks software is even available for Mac OS as well. Postman Download for PC Windows 10/8/7 – Method 1:īluestacks is one of the coolest and widely used Emulator to run Android applications on your Windows PC. Here in this article, we are gonna present to you two of the popular Android emulators to use Postman on PC. So even if the official version of Postman for PC not available, you can still use it with the help of Emulators.

But Android emulators allow us to use all these apps on PC as well. are available for Android and iOS platforms only. Games and apps like PUBG, Subway surfers, Snapseed, Beauty Plus, etc. Most of the apps these days are developed only for the mobile platform. The Postman platform can also be extended through Postman API and open source technology.Postman Download for PC Windows 10/8/7 Laptop: Postman integrates with the most important tools in the software development pipeline to implement API first practices. There are three different types of Postman workspaces to meet your different needs: personal workspaces, team workspaces, and public workspaces. The Postman workspace can help you organize API work and collaborate across your organization or worldwide.

The Postman platform provides you with advanced intelligence and insights on all API operations through the use of alerts and security warnings, searches, reports, and more. The Postman platform includes a set of tools that help accelerate the life cycle of APIs-from design, testing, documentation, and simulation to API sharing and discoverability. Postman simplifies every step of the API life cycle and simplifies collaboration, so you can create better APIs faster. Millions of developers and thousands of companies worldwide use Postman to support their API development. We recommend the free Postman App for Windows, Mac, Linux or Chrome. Postman is a powerful GUI platform for PC to make your API development faster & easier, from building API requests through testing, documentation and sharing.